Increased-risk drinking

Many people don’t realize they’re drinking more than they should. Yet drinking too much can cause alcohol-related problems in the short-term — or over time.

Drinking is sometimes used to help cope with stress, feelings of depression, sleep problems, or other health issues, so it’s important to address any underlying issues.

Talk with your doctor if you need help cutting back or quitting drinking. You can also access the resources below for additional support.


Health classes and support groups

Persona tomando una clase para la salud en línea
Our health classes and support groups are taught by trained instructors and offer a place to share information and connect with others who have similar health concerns and goals.


Personalized healthy lifestyle programs

To help address health issues that can lead to increased drinking, you can take one of our free online programs.

Learn more about  healthy lifestyle programs.


Employee assistance programs

Most large companies have confidential employee assistance programs (EAPs) to help employees and their family members address alcohol use and other health issues. EAPs provide services that usually include:

  • Evaluation, short-term counseling, and referrals to other services, such as financial advice
  • Support to help manage personal, life, and work-related challenges
  • Information about self-help groups and other community support resources

Contact your human resource department for information.


Other care options

Learn more about care options for other patterns of drinking:

Take the self-assessment

Not sure where you fall on the scale from low- to high-risk drinking? Take this short self-assessment to find out.




Reviewed by Stacy Sterling, DrPH, MSW, February 2019