During your stay

In our Mom-Baby Postpartum unit, we offer several private rooms with a private bathroom and shower, a flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi, and phone. There will also be a dinette and a pull-out bed or recliner chair for your partner or support person. One adult support person may stay with you throughout your hospital stay.
Your nurse will help you get comfortable caring for your newborn, and support you through umbilical cord care, diapering, bathing, swaddling, and breastfeeding. When you’re ready to go home, a diaper bag and an infant sleep sack are our gifts to you and your new baby.
Meals and Snacks
Meals and snacks are provided during your stay. Meals featuring local produce are delivered to your room. Your family and friends are also welcome to visit our café on the hospital ground floor, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., or the coffee cart in Medical Office Building 2, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Your new baby is something to celebrate! A special celebration lunch or dinner is our gift to you and your partner. This fine-dining meal is served with sparkling cider in a fluted glass. Cheers to you and your growing family!
Rooming in
Research shows that babies who stay in the same room as their mothers adjust better, and new moms rest and recover better. We keep your baby with you as much as possible throughout your stay, so you can bond and learn to recognize your baby’s needs.
As your new baby’s immune system develops, hand-washing is an important way to prevent infection. Protect your newborn by asking visitors to wash their hands before touching your baby. If anyone is sick — even mildly — ask them not to visit until they are feeling better.
Newborn photos
A photographer is available for hire to take photos of your baby, from birth and after you go home. Ask your nurse for more information.
Newborn security
Your baby’s security is important to us. Never leave your baby unattended. If you need to be away from your baby for any reason, let your nurse know so we can make sure your little one is safely cared for.
After your baby is born, you, your baby, and your partner will receive matching wrist bands. A wireless radio frequency band will be placed on your baby’s ankle to make sure he or she remains in the mother-baby unit, which is also equipped with security cameras.
Your baby will stay with you in your room unless there is a medical reason for your newborn to be in the Special Care Nursery.
All Kaiser Permanente employees wear badges with their name, title, and photograph. Hospital employees with privileges to care for newborns have a pink stripe along the bottom of their badge. Only allow staff with this pink stripe to take your baby from your room for any reason.
If you’re ever uncomfortable with the person who is asking to take your baby from you, use your nurse call button to ask for an additional staff member to confirm the request.
Newborn screenings
All newborns undergo painless cardiac and hearing screening tests, which will be performed in the postpartum unit before you go home. These tests will be done in the postpartum unit before you go home.
Breast milk is nature’s perfect first food, and breastfeeding can enhance the bond between you and your baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continued breastfeeding through the first year of life.
Learn more about breastfeeding >
Support for successful breastfeeding:
- The “Breastfeeding with Success” class will help you learn about breastfeeding positions, milk supply, preventing and managing pain, pumping, milk storage, and working while breastfeeding.
- We encourage skin-to-skin contact, which triggers healthy baby behaviors. It helps your little one stay warm on their own, breathe on their own, and learn to nurse.
- All of our labor and delivery and postpartum nurses are trained breastfeeding specialists. We also have a team of internationally board-certified lactation consultants at our hospital and at our Newborn Care Center, Medical Office Building 3, first floor, Room 118. Visit our center for walk-in breastfeeding clinic, no appointment needed, Monday through Friday, 9 to 11 a.m. (closed holidays).
- 24- hour breastfeeding advice line: 916-688-6800
Lactation consultants
If you need additional support, a lactation consultant or your nurse will help you while you’re in the hospital. Lactation consultants are also available after you go home.
Newborn Care Center
South Sacramento
South Sacramento Medical Center
Medical Office Building 3, Room 118
6600 Bruceville Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95823
Get directions
Leaving the hospital
After you have your baby, you’ll be seen daily by a midwife or obstetrician who will care for you during recovery and help determine when you’re ready to go home. The length of your hospital stay will depend on a variety of factors.
If you have a vaginal birth, you may be ready to go home when your baby is 1 day old. If you have a cesarean birth, you’ll need to stay a bit longer.
A board posted in your room lists all the things that need to happen before you’re discharged. On the day you leave the hospital, we’ll try to complete the discharge process in the morning so you can get home and settled in for that first night on your own with baby.
Secure checkout
When you’re ready to leave, your support person should bring the car up to the front of the hospital where you may have entered in labor. A staff member will wheel you and your baby downstairs after you’ve gone through our secure checkout.
Car seat
California law requires that you take your baby home in a car seat. Our staff is not licensed to assist or direct you with car seat usage or installation, so we encourage you to take our “Infant Safety and CPR” program before your baby is born. It also helps to have your car seat installed a few weeks before your baby is due.
If your baby was born before 37 weeks, we’ll conduct a car seat challenge test. This test is done before you’re discharged and checks your baby’s breathing while in the car seat. It does not check the proper installation of your car seat.
Car seat installation resources
Always read and follow the car seat instructions, as well as your vehicle seat belt instructions. You can find guidelines for safe car seat installation online. You can also call 1-866-SEAT-CHECK (1-866-732-8243), or go to seatcheck.org to find a seat-inspection location certified by the National Transportation Safety Board.
Northern California members:
Visit Your Pregnancy to sign up for prenatal classes, get weekly emails, view and prepare for appointments, and more.
Learn about CenteringPregnancy®, a unique prenatal care program that includes group support with other new moms.