Your pregnancy: weeks 37 to 40
Your baby
Are you feeling a bit weighed down? No wonder! Your baby weighs 6 pounds or more — and will spend the next weeks putting on a few more pounds. By now your baby’s physical development is complete. Although the lungs are fully mature, the umbilical cord will support your baby’s breathing until after birth.
What's happening this week?

37 weeks pregnant
Proud parent-to-be moment: My baby is full-term now. They say hardly anyone delivers on their due date, so I’m ready for anything!
- Your baby is about the size of a honeydew melon.
- Little hands are strong enough to grasp with their fingers.
- Your baby is nearly full-term, which means if you go into labor right now, they're most likely ready to thrive without medical help.

38 weeks pregnant
Strange to think that I could go into labor any minute … but it’s ALL I can think about!
- Your baby is now the size of a small pumpkin.
- Your little one’s eyes can see objects that are up to 8 inches away.
- Your baby can sneeze and cough. Bless you, baby!

39 weeks pregnant
Makes sense to me. I’ve been feeling like I swallowed a watermelon for weeks!
- Your baby is the size of a small watermelon.
- Changes are small now, compared to your baby’s development in the past months.
- At birth your little one’s eyes may be puffy and red, and their skin might look scaly. Don’t worry, it’s only temporary!

40 weeks pregnant
Should be any day, could be a little longer … but good things come to those who wait!
- Your due date is here!
- Your baby will probably weigh between 6 to 9 pounds on delivery day.
- Your little one will be born knowing your voice, as well as your partner’s.
- This is the end of one chapter, and the beginning of a brand-new adventure!
Your body
You might be breathing a little easier as your baby drops down into the birth canal. Your nipples may stick out a little more as you get ready to breastfeed. You won’t feel it, but your cervix is starting to thin and open to prepare for childbirth. Try to relax, take it easy, and enjoy these last days before your baby comes. The amazing moment when you finally meet your baby is just around the corner.
Your to-do list
- Use the new baby checklist to make sure you’ve covered all the basics.
- Watch for signs of labor.
- Learn how to care for your baby after your little one is born.
Northern California members:
Visit Your Pregnancy to sign up for prenatal classes, get weekly emails, view and prepare for appointments, and more.
Learn about CenteringPregnancy®, a unique prenatal care program that includes group support with other new moms.