Your pregnancy: weeks 28 to 32

Your baby

Your baby’s brain and vision are developing very quickly now. The bones are fully formed, but still soft and flexible for delivery. Little fingernails and toenails are growing, lungs are maturing, and the nervous system is almost complete. Your little one has been busy going through so many big changes!

What’s happening this week?

Your body

Are you feeling really pregnant these days? As you adjust to a new center of gravity and new symptoms like back pain, it goes with the territory. As your body starts to produce breast milk, you may also start to notice wet spots. Nursing pads can help — they’re designed to fit between your nipples and your bra to absorb leaks. You’ll definitely need them once your baby gets here, so stock up and start using them now if you need to. 

Now’s a good time to pack your hospital bag, just in case you go into labor early. It’s also important to keep an eye out for sudden puffiness in your face, hands, and feet — or severe headache or vision changes. Call your care team right away if you notice any of these signs.

Your to-do list

  • Save the address and phone number of your labor and delivery department to your cell phone.
  • Start the process of choosing a pediatrician. Need a recommendation? Ask us!
  • Keep taking your prenatal vitamins — and continue while you’re breastfeeding, too.