Your pregnancy: weeks 13 to 16

Your baby

Your baby has more muscle tissue and harder, more developed bones. Skin is beginning to form, but it's almost transparent at this point. Your little one is starting to roll, kick, and move around a lot — flexing tiny arms and legs, too.

What’s happening this week?

Your body

Your baby bump might be starting to show, and your clothes may be getting a little snug. Hopefully, you’re feeling good and have more energy and less morning sickness than you did in your first trimester. For some, it takes a bit longer to feel better.

Your to-do list

  • If you work, start thinking about when you plan to go on maternity leave. Talk to your employer about your company’s maternity policy and other benefits.
  • Keep wearing your seat belt, even as your belly expands. Stay comfy and keep baby safe by placing the lap band below your baby bump.
  • Try to find 10 minutes to relax every single day. Growing a baby is hard work!