Due date calculator

About the pregnancy due date calculator

It’s official. You’re pregnant! But exactly when will your little one arrive? That’s the question every parent-to-be wants to know! Your baby’s due date is about 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. Don’t worry if you’re not sure exactly when your last period began — this is just a rough estimate. Enter that date into our due date calculator to get an idea of your baby’s birthday!

What was the first day of your last period?

  • Error: Please enter a valid date prior to 300 days from current date
  • Error: Please enter an valid date

Seems far away, right? But so much will be happening, time will go by incredibly fast. When you come in to see us for your first prenatal visit, we’ll get a better idea of how far along you are. You might even get to see an ultrasound image of your baby for the very first time! We’ll calculate your due date together and give you a more accurate idea of when you’ll get to meet your little one.

For now, use your estimated due date to begin tracking your baby’s development and start making plans. This is an exciting moment, and we’re so happy to be with you on this journey.

You’ve got some time, but your little one will be here before you know it! Your biggest job right now is taking good care of yourself — and giving your baby a healthy start in life.

Your little one will be here before you know it! While you prepare for labor, child birth, and meeting your new arrival, make sure to keep taking great care of yourself. Getting plenty of rest, eating right, and keeping up with your prenatal care appointments are 3 ways you can help give your baby a healthy start.