About Me

Welcome to my Web page. I am a primary care physician in Orange County and am board certified in both family medicine and internal medicine. Prior to my job here, I worked for two years as a hospitalist (meaning I cared for patients who had been admitted to the hospital) in Chesapeake, Virginia. I now work in the outpatient setting where I enjoy getting to know my patients.


I am happily married and have three terrific children. Most of my free time is spent with my family. They keep me grounded. We moved here from the East Coast in 2006. Prior to that, I lived in Virginia. I decided I wanted to become a doctor in late high school. I had always loved working with people. When I fell in love with biology and chemistry in high school, medicine seemed like the perfect way to combine my interests into a career that I have loved from the beginning.

About my practice

In our practice, we try to treat everyone as if they were our own family members. Our top priority is to provide excellent medical care but we also try to deliver it in a non-threatening way where you become a partner in your own health management. I am a strong believer in preventive medicine, which means taking actions to prevent major diseases before they have a chance to develop. I encourage regular exercise and a balanced, healthy diet. I also think that a healthy state of mind and positive outlook are essential to your well-being.

How I thrive

I believe that "thriving" is based on attitude. I try to have a positive outlook every day. I get energized by the stories that patients tell me, the smiles from staff members, the hugs from my children, and the support from those who care. I try to find enjoyment in the little things in life. I enjoy walking which gives me a chance to take in the world around me. I try to be appreciative of every day.