About Me

Welcome to my Web page. I have been privileged to serve in the department of primary care here in the La Mesa Medical Offices for 29 years now, and am proud of what I and my colleagues have done for our members over that time. I hope you find your experiences here beneficial to your health, so we can all thrive together.


I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and moved to San Diego in 1968. I majored in chemistry in college but soon realized that I'd rather spend my life with people than with test tubes, and so I went to medical school. And I have never regretted it. Most of my non-work life revolves around my family: my wife, who is also a physician, my daughter who is in medical school, and my son who is a computer engineer. I also have a Papillion and 3 cats, which is why I have to use Flonase every day.

About my practice

We're a close-knit group here in Module 1 in La Mesa. We all get along famously, working together to provide the best possible care to our members.

How I thrive

I walk three miles a day and lift weights three days a week. And if I don't, I just don't feel right. So when I advise members about the benefits of an active lifestyle, I really do mean it. I also avidly follow my beloved New York Rangers hockey team. This I would not recommend to my patients, especially considering how the team has been playing in recent years. Too stressful. And I find a release in writing. I have published both a medical textbook and a novel, among other projects.